We love our dehumidifiers and are very proud of them but you have every reason to take what we say with a pinch of salt. So what do independent review sites have to say when they get their hands on our desiccant dehumidifiers?
Meaco DD8L Zambezi
“Meaco founder Chris Michael and his team have done it again with the release of the desiccant Meaco DD8L Zambezi dehumidifier which is possibly the world’s best dehumidifier.”
“The incorporation of Control Logic technology immediately qualifies the Zambezi as a very high quality dehumidifier. When you add in the unique features such as the new timing system and automatic energy-savings in Laundry Mode etc you know that you are dealing with something special.”
“We would definitely recommend the purchase of a Meaco DD8L Zambezi.”
“We already own the Meaco DD8L but the strong extraction rate and extra features makes the Zambezi our new favourite Meaco dehumidifier.”
Meaco DD8L
“You will find that this is a great machine which is very suitable to the winter temperatures of the UK. I have personally owned one for over 2 years and can’t recommend it enough!”
“The Meaco DD8L is the near perfect dehumidifier as its features and specifications are balanced really well. The only extra we would like to see is an adjustable louvre but Meaco have added this to the new Meaco Zambezi Dehumidifier (as well as several features never seen on a dehumidifier previously!).
Due to the Control Logic technology the Meaco DD8L Compact can save you some serious operating cash and combined with features such as the anti-bacterial filter, the ioniser and laundry mode we are only too happy to recommend the Meaco DD8L for purchase.”
Meaco DD8L Junior
“Should you need a dehumidifier for a space outside the home, such as a garage, shed, boat, caravan where you don’t need the benefits of an anti-bacterial filter or ioniser, then the Meaco DD8L Junior will do the job just fine.”
“In fact if you read our Ultimate Garage Dehumidifier Guide as well as our Ultimate Caravan Dehumidifier Guide you will see that we have selected the Meaco DD8L Junior as our number one garage, boat and caravan dehumidifier!”
Meaco DD8L Zambezi
“The Meaco DD8L Zambezi astounded us. It is the latest in a very impressive line of desiccant dehumidifiers made by UK company Meaco. It features a myriad of minor improvements which, when combined, really result in something quite special. All of these features are focused around energy efficiency and helping make this device one of the most intuitive and easy to use we’ve ever seen.
We think you’ll be impressed by the Zambezi, as we were. And, after only a few uses when you begin to see how its ‘smart’ technology helps not only makes this unit stand apart from the competition, but also, just how useful it is!”
“We could go on about the Zambezi for sometime because it is packed with useful features which are so intuitive you barely notice them (as it should be) but will certainly appreciate the results they deliver. The truth is, as with any industry, manufacturers get lazy and keep churning out the same old products again and again. Meaco have really tried to shake up the market here by introducing something different and in-tune with their users needs, and we think they have achieved this with the Zambezi.
We trialled this unit, as we mentioned, in a deliberately tough environment and the Zambezi excelled. Sure this device isn’t the cheapest around but it is well worth its price tag and, at the time of this review, we believe you’ll be hard pressed to find a better, more intuitive, dehumidifier for your home.”
“Despite its compact size this dehumidifier is certainly not lacking on power, features or options. From its ability to save you money whilst it is operating through an array of easy to use controls, to it’s safe guards to prevent damage – this device packs a lot in.”
“Meaco have really made a solid entry here that certainly stands well when compared to many of the other models offered by its competitors; and should fit most peoples needs.”
Meaco are a British dehumidifier and air treatment company formed in 1991 and we are delighted to now bring our expertise to the North American market.